Why 2023 Could Be the Right Time for a Career Change

The global pandemic affected the entire working world. A large majority of workers are either resigning, switching jobs or careers, or thinking about it. And with how the job market looks today, 2023 could be the perfect year to change your career.

Millions of employees have left their jobs. The past year and a half are now being called ‘The Great Resignation’ due to how many people have left their jobs. As a result, companies are now hiring at unprecedented levels, making it the perfect opportunity to make a career switch or to just find new employment opportunities.

But just because you can get a new job doesn’t mean you should. If you are comfortable and happy in your current career and employment, why look for a change? The biggest indication that you do need anew job or career is when the bad times start outweighing the good ones. Maybe you feel undervalued or are unhappy at your place of employment? Even if you are not 100% sure you want a career switch, researching and keeping your options open never hurt anyone.

Here are a few reasons why 2023 could be the ideal time for a career change:

Employers are more accommodating

Many employers are searching for and are willing to hire people out of their typical mold of employees. Companies are willing to make accommodations, train, and even educate to acquire and retain high-value employees. If you are just looking to make a lateral career move, this year might be the perfect year to do so.

Employers are offering better incentives.

Companies now are more willing to negotiate and communicate with potential candidates. Your odds of securing a better income or better benefits are high as ever with how disoriented the post-pandemic job market is. More employers are willing to offer higher salaries and are open to offering better benefits to secure and retain good employees.

Employers are more flexible.

Employment is as flexible as ever. Companies are offering so many different working options. There are now remote working options, work from home, office jobs, and hybrid working options. Employers are more flexible with schedules and working times to provide their employees with a good work-life balance, and if that is something that you prioritize, now could be the best time to make a lateral career switch. Before you go ahead and put in your two-week notice, you should know if you really want a change in your career. To ensure that this really is the right decision for you, ask yourself these questions.

Do you know what new career you want to join?

When you are unhappy in your current job, you might feel that escaping into anything new will solve all your issues. But this isn’t always the answer. Don’t quit before knowing what you want to do next. If you aren’t sure about your next move, maybe wait some more before you make your switch.

What are you looking for in your new career?

You should know what you want from your new career before you try and jump ship. Is it just a higher salary? Is a better working environment what you are looking for? Or do you want your work to be more flexible? Without knowing the answer to these questions, you might not be happy even if you do make a career change. If you think it is time, then make a career change! If what you are doing now makes you unhappy or you are completely unmotivated, then this might be the best time for a career change. Work has a huge impact on our overall life, and it is essential you love and enjoy what you do. If making a career change is what you really want, you should go for it, regardless of what year it is and how the job market looks.