Becoming a Digital Nomad: What We Can Learn from Gen Z

Gen Z appears to be the most tech-savvy of all generations. After all, they grew up with smartphones and sophisticated devices. Perhaps this is what fueled their interest in the tech field. Let’s get to know about them.

Digital Nomad-Gen Z

Many Gen Z members are well-qualified knowledge workers. This is a field that is ideal for remote work. And in the wake of the pandemic, remote work has become the new norm. Now Gen Z members seek to exploit the freedom that remote work offers them by exploring the world.

Although this newfound freedom purveys plenty of perks, it also has certain pitfalls. Gen Z digital nomads have to ironically contend with increasing isolation despite traveling to many different places. The key drawback of this itinerary lifestyle is that its adherents don’t get to settle down and build up lasting and emotionally satisfying relationships.

Constant sojourns and traveling means they are missing out on staying in a good home for which human beings have an innate yearning.

Of course, the solution to this situation is to strike an optimal balance between traveling and staying at home. Meanwhile, the ranks of digital nomads are swelling exponentially. In just 2 years, digital nomad shave doubled to more than 15 million. This has been driven primarily by the surge in remote work opportunities. Since Gen Z and millennial workers live the digital nomad life and relish it, the average age of such workers is decreasing. Digital nomads are those who work remotely and keep traveling.

What the Digital Nomadic Lifestyle Means

Due to the meteoric rise of digital nomads, the average duration of Airbnb stays has extended. Now different companies are seeking to cash in on this grand opportunity by offering easy visas to digital nomads. The influx of digital nomads to a country can bring it multiple benefits like the steady flow of remote work income. Digital nomads will bring in foreign currency and spend it on the economy of the countries hosting them. It is easy to see why countries are now vying to become digital nomad-friendly destinations. However, the digital nomadic lifestyle does have a few caveats. Although digital nomads see many places and meet many new people, they surprisingly describe themselves as increasingly lonely. As counterintuitive as it might seem, it is not that hard to understand why this is the case.

Bottom Line

There is a lot to learn from the digital nomadic lifestyle. As with everything else, too much of a good thing will inevitably be bad. The same applies to remote work and concomitant travel. Instead of meeting many new people in many different places, it is better to settle down and strike a few good long-term friendships. Perhaps we would be better off favoring quality over quantity.