Avoid These Mistakes On Your Next Virtual Interview

After applying for several positions, you finally receive a response from an employer inviting you to an interview. There’s a catch, it’s an online interview. A recent recruitment poll found that virtual interviews, which were initially the need of the hour amid the pandemic, are likely to be an integral part of the recruitment process in the future.

Even now, when most corporate officers are back to working from the office. Most companies conduct their initial interviews virtually and later schedule an in-person interview when the candidate has been selected.

Most of us are already familiar with video calls. Still, the stress of a virtual interview can be daunting for some people, who end up making avoidable mistakes, risking their chance of selection. These are the worst virtual interview mistakes and how to avoid them.

Unprepared For The Tech Problems

You must have a stable internet connection, excellent video clarity, and clear audio for a virtual interview. Check the video and audio quality ahead of time to make sure the interview goes smoothly.

Also, Zoom or Google Meet meetings take some time to set up and launch. Make sure you are all set at least ten minutes before the interview, so you don’t have to rush frantically at the last minute.

Have Distractions Around

It should go without saying picking the wrong place for your virtual interview is a typical blunder that will undoubtedly give the impression that you are uninterested in the position. Avoid raucous areas, poor illumination, and locations where interruptions are common, such as:

  • While driving or using a public transportation system.
  • Sitting around pets or children.
  • In a noisy cafe or mall.

Choose a quiet workplace setting where others won’t interrupt or disturb you. Make sure there is a high-speed internet facility and good lighting.

Not Maintaining Eye Contact

If you have given face-to-face interviews, you would already know how important eye contact is. Interviewers have similar expectations from you, even in a virtual interview.

If you are not facing the camera and looking around in space, the interviewer will likely sense nervousness and lack of confidence. It would be best if you faced the camera aiming to build a connection while you speak and let the interviewers listen to what you are saying.

Not Dressing Up Well

Some people underestimate the importance of how they look in virtual interviews. Would you show up in your PJs or casual tees in a physical interview? No. Right?

The same goes for your online interview. Make sure your attire is formal and professionally sound.

The greatest recommendation is to stay neutral with solid tones. On webcams, patterns and swirls can occasionally cause holographic illusions that might disturb the interviewer.

Going Too Fast

Talking too fast on the video call may be nerve-wracking, much like any interview. It’s important to keep calm and talk with clarity. The interviewer usually won’t get the punch they’re seeking from your responses if you talk at a breakneck rate.

Calm down before the interview and give yourself a moment to think before you respond to any questions. A brief pause before you speak will also accommodate any unexpected audio delays.