Making Extra Money Easy With These Hobbies

Hobbies are a great way to invest your time when you’re done with the day. With the increased use of social media and the internet, there are ways that you can turn your usual run-of-the-mill hobbies into something that turns you a profit. We explore hobbies that can make you money along the way.

Blogging Or Writing

There is a vast market out there for people who want to write. Publishing content online can ensure you get the most out of your writing hobby. One of the most ordinary ways to earn money would be to get freelance writing on sites like Upwork or Fiverr.

You can reach out to these sites all on your own and send them a writing sample so that you can get a paid gig. If you have the necessary experience, you can make your blog and set up blog posts for it online.

Illustration And Design

If you are someone who knows how to illustrate, you can sell your work online for money. There are also a lot of companies currently on social media looking for ways to make themselves more relevant using excellent illustrations and design. You can get a pretty penny if you align yourself with a brand of this sort.


You can even go as far as creating your beats that you could repurpose and sell online. You can sell music in a couple of different ways. You can sell recordings of yourself where you’re the person who’s singing.

You could also create different types of sounds that aren’t full-fledged songs and sell those instead. You can list your sounds on sites like Airbit, and these will get picked up.


This may not seem like the most conventional hobby, but people love having food. Food has become a sort of aesthetic which means that you can spend some significant time perfecting that craft too.

If you like baking, you can set up an online site and have orders for different cakes and confectionaries. Putting videos of cake and food making online allows you to get a lot of money from places like Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube.


If you’re looking for ways to make more money, then photography is an excellent way of doing so. You can become a freelance photographer and have people hire you for their graduation shoots or wedding shoots. You can also put your photographs up on the stock photo and get paid that way.

This is also much less effort compared to freelance photography. The first option is better if you’re looking for ways to meet new people. Professional photography accounts are also super popular on Instagram, which means that you can also create with the site and get paid by them too.


If you enjoy making people laugh, you may want to head to comedy clubs and sign up. If you can come up with slightly offensive and historically funny material, you may want to become a comedian.

You can also make meme pages for social media if you’re not into the personal comedian thing. These meme pages can amass many followers, making you more likely to get paid.


If you enjoy gardening, then you can sell succulents online. Aesthetic succulents are all the rage on Instagram right now, and many people constantly feel the need to house them in their rooms. If you’re a good gardener, you can likely sell your plants to those you want to invest in.